Executive Interviews proudly serves as the official licensing, reprints and distribution partner to Cheddar News*. We enable companies who appear on Cheddar to leverage and amplify their on-air interviews across all digital communications platforms—website, intranet, social media, email/e-newsletter, digital signage, and more! Once Cheddar has aired the interview, Executive Interviews is here to help you use it – ensuring that your clip clears Cheddar’s copyright requirements and quality standards for display and distribution.

*Media content created by Cheddar is the intellectual property of Cheddar News/Altice USA News, Inc.  Use of Cheddar URL/links—“linking out” to Cheddar.com—is permitted without a license. Cheddar content may not be embedded on a commercial/corporate website, nor may it be downloaded to—or uploaded from—any streaming platform or service (i.e., YouTube; Vimeo), nor otherwise distributed without an official Cheddar usage license.  Embedded content may not be displayed under ‘fair use’.  Embedded content intended for internal or external display cannot be sourced from third-parties, such as media monitoring agencies or news clipping services. Official Cheddar licenses and ad-free, authorized clips for the purpose of embedding or distributing on corporate digital communications platform(s) are provided exclusively by Executive Interviews, Inc. as the official license and reprint partner to Cheddar News. Please see Cheddar Terms of Service -> Licenses and Intellectual Property clause for reference.

Interview Licensing Inquiry

Interested in learning more about how you can share your recent Cheddar News on-air interview with your customers, employees, investors, or other important constituents? We are here to answer any questions you might have about the licensing process, and can provide customized display and distribution options that meet your exact needs.

Please fill out the form below and a representative from our team will be in touch directly! On behalf of Cheddar News, thank you, and we look forward to connecting with you.

Make your news work for you - License your key executive's broadcase appearances Communicate with key audiences - Keep your targeted audiences informed with online video. Manage your reputation - Use your television appearances to increase the value of your organisation.

Contact us directly

North America:
+1 904 643 6704
[email protected]

+44 (0) 1908 041291
[email protected]

+852 23194431
[email protected]

Visit our website »

Why license your interview?

Your television news interview is a great way to get your message across. It gives you the chance to respond directly to the questions people want answered. If you want to influence opinion, there are few things more persuasive than a timely, well-informed, professionally-made, independent television interview. If you want what you say to reach your target audiences, then the internet offers many great ways to get your message across and to generate considerable extra value for you.

Publishing your interview on your company intranet, website, and via approved social media sites, crystallises that value where it matters. It magnifies the impact of your interview, extends its value across time, and delivers your message direct to your key target audiences – allowing people to watch whenever they want and wherever they happen to be. You can even email a link direct to their Inbox. Publishing your interview online acts as a force-multiplier – and, through Executive Interviews, you won’t have to worry about your interview carrying someone else’s advert.

Please note that media monitors or clipping agencies have no right to offer content for sharing beyond limited private review (by the interviewee and the press team directly involved with creating the interview). Intranet display is licensable display.

About Executive Interviews

Executive Interviews manages the copying, licensing and online display of Cheddar News television content.

Executive Interviews works alongside many of the world’s leading business news networks, providing guests with timely, professionally produced, licensed video clips to post to their intranets, websites and social media pages. We can also provide licensed clips for use at trade shows, investor conferences, corporate events and more. We look forward to hearing from you soon…